
All products are covered by statutory warranties, namely we warrant the products we sell to you are free from defects in workmanship and materials; of merchantable quality; fit for the purpose for which they were made and will match the description contained in our online catalogue or any sample provided to you. All products will meet these statutory requirements for at least three months from the date of purchase unless the product is covered by an extended warranty.


Statutory and extended warranties (if applicable) will not apply where you have caused the products to become damaged.


Examples of occasions where the warranties and additional promises (if applicable) will not apply are:

• Where you have mistreated or abused the products (whether intentionally or unintentionally); or
• Damaged the products as a result of using them in a way they were not intended to be used.


We recommend that you refer to the online catalogue and packaging instructions for further information about the intended purpose for which a product was made.


We reserve the right to test or assess any product returned to us in order to determine whether a breach of warranty has occurred.